The Importance Of Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer starts in the mouth and spreads to other body parts, including the lips, tongue, cheeks, sinuses, and throat. Regular oral cancer screenings could avoid the bulk of these diagnoses.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Tobacco usage, alcohol intake, a poor diet, or too much sun exposure on the lips are all known causes of oral cancer. The following are the symptoms that result:

  • a lump in your throat, mouth, or lips
  • Swallowing or chewing difficulties
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • The mouth is bleeding.
  • Biting down causes numbness or pain.
  • Patches of white or red in the mouth

Importance of Oral Cancer Screenings

Not only with oral cancer, but with any cancer in general, early detection can save lives. Mouth screenings at least once a year are the most effective strategy to detect oral cancer before it spreads. The screening may appear insignificant, yet one extra step could save your life. There are two main types of screening done: clinical examination and oral examination. With clinical examinations, your Brampton dentist will look over the inside of your mouth for patches and sores and feel for any lumps on your cheeks, tongue, and other parts of your mouth. Because it is so basic, it is frequently crammed into your checkup appointments.

On the other hand, oral examinations are more comprehensive and involve the use of screening instruments to detect cancerous or premalignant abnormalities. Oral cancer is a particularly hazardous malignancy because it can spread without causing pain or symptoms. If oral cancer is not diagnosed early on, your dentist in Brampton may discover cancer after it is too late. This can be avoided by having routine oral cancer screenings, and the value of these tests cannot be overstated.


You should adopt some basic lifestyle changes to prevent mouth cancer. You’ll have a better chance of having no problems with your oral cancer screening if you follow the suggestions below.

  • Maintain a healthy diet.
  • Excessive alcohol usage should be avoided.
  • Maintain your dentures’ cleanliness.
  • Apply sunscreen on your lips.
  • All tobacco products should be avoided.

Whether you’re experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, you should prioritize asking your dentist about scheduling an oral cancer screening. That small step may end up saving your life. Call us at 905-793-8668 to book an appointment.

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